Psychedelic Preparation

What are your deepest intentions and how can the medicine act as a catalyst to helping you realize them?

The more work you do on a daily basis to support your overall system and state of mind, the more transcendent, powerful, and revelatory the psychedelic experience often is.

Some of the areas we might touch on in a preparation session:

  • Contemplating, clarifying, and naming your intentions for the psychedelic experience

  • Sharing information and educational resources around your medicine of choice

  • Nutritional, herbal, and lifestyle guidance to optimize your mind and body for the experience ahead

  • Developing a meditation, mindfulness, or spiritual practice in the days and weeks leading up to the session

  • Setting the stage for mindful integration of the experience when you are on the other side of it

Psychedelic Navigation

Here are some of the ways I offer support within the container of your psychedelic journey:

  • Creating a customized ritual that beckons you to embark on a deep inner exploration enveloped in safety, comfort, and intention

  • Providing gentle yet potent techniques, such as breathwork, meditation, IFS, mantras, and reminding you of your intentions to anchor you back into the moment if need be

  • Curating musical experiences, personalized playlists, and evocative sp

    oken word pieces—that serve as architecture to the experience, amplifying and enriching the depths of your journey

  • Offering a non-judgmental and compassionate presence, especially if something emotionally challenging surfaces

  • Nurturing an environment conducive to healing, removing any barriers that obstruct the dance between self-discovery, inner exploration, and transformation

  • Supporting the emergence of joyful feelings and powerful insights

  • Supporting journeyer to ground and nourish as the ceremony comes to a close by providing healthy snacks and a wholesome organic meal

  • Guiding the journeyer tenderly as they transition back to the shores of ordinary reality

  • Commencing the integration process, weaving the threads of revelation into the fabric of daily life, fostering the alchemy of wisdom into action.

Psychedelic Integration

Integration can be understood as turning an experience from a psychedelic journey into a way of being in the world. It is about interpreting the symbolic meaning of our experience with the medicine, identifying the lessons and insights that we received, and finding a way to anchor those messages into our lives on an ongoing basis as we move towards greater wholeness. 

Some of the areas we may cover in your integration sessions:

  • Identifying insights and lessons from the psychedelic experience and translating them into actionable steps and goals that can be intentionally incorporated into ones life moving forward

  • Compassionately exploring any challenges that might have come up along the way and learning to grow in response to them

  • Nutritional, herbal, and lifestyle guidance to optimize the body and bolster vitality

  • Microdose support for those that would like to continue to connect to the medicine and create an intentional and structured protocol around this practice

  • Ongoing integration support if working on long-term psychospiritual, emotional, or physical challenges

Together, we explore the kind of routines and accountability structures that you’d like to build into your life on an ongoing basis so you can grow in a way that feels aligned with your goals and values.

“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

Viktor E. Frankl